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Transfer of monument-4738 powerpoint ©FotostudioWierd.jpg

Adoption Memorial

Every year the Kite Monument is adopted by group 7 of one of the primary schools in the municipality of Dronten. These students will take care of the monument for a year.


The transfer takes place during a meeting where representatives of groups 7 are present. During the meeting there is a meeting with the mayor. In addition, Tjerk Zwanenburg, among others, talks about the experiences of his father Gerrit Zwanenburg. Gerrit Zwanenburg was a former salvage officer and salvaged many aircraft during the reclamation of the polder. He has found many materials and Tjerk tells an impressive story based on those materials. 


The students clean the monument and the surrounding area, so that everything looks well cared for on 4 May.


Foundation 4 May Memorial Dronten

p/a De Volte 28, 8252 GB  Dronten

KVK 39085623


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