4 May Commemoration Dronten
The board of 4May Commemoration Dronten consists of the following members:
Chairman, Jolanda van Til (voorzitter@4meiherdenkingdronten.nl)
Secretary, José Bottema (secretaris@4meiherdenkingdronten.nl)
Treasurer, Annette van Dijk
General Member, Jan Hammer
General Member, Jan Benning
General Member, Wies Twisk
General Member, Bart Doeze Jager
Organization and registration
The organization 4 May Commemoration Dronten has two parts:
Foundation 4 May Commemoration Dronten
Aircrew forever foundation
Foundation 4 May Commemoration Dronten
Objective: to organize the annual 4 May commemoration in Dronten
Legal form: foundation
Chamber of Commerce: Gooi-, Eem- and Flevoland number 39085623
Bank details: NL34 SNSB 0907 1617 82
Culture ANBI: Belastingdienst 's-Hertogenbosch 8137.02.070
Additional ANBI information: file number 23954​
Aircrew Forever Foundation
Objective: to preserve the memory of the Aircrews in the broadest sense of the word.
Legal form: foundation
Chamber of Commerce: Gooi-, Eem- and Flevoland number 59352698
Bank details: NL29 SNSB 8838 4635 81
Culture ANBI: Belastingdienst 's-Hertogenbosch 8535.36.368
Additional ANBI information: file number 90106
Documents (downloads)
Remuneration policy: Except for reimbursement of costs incurred, no payments are made to directors and volunteers.
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