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Recap commemoration May 4, 2024

On May 4, 2024, the 60th commemoration of the dead took place in Dronten. The large number of people on the square, the invited guests, the wreath-layers, the music and singing, the speech and the poem were impressive.

Freedom soup at the Kite Monument

The first edition of pouring Freedom Soup at the Kite Monument on the Meerpaalplein was a success. Many interested people came to see the beautifully laid wreaths of flowers at the monument. Afterwards, they could participate in the Freedom Supper between 1 and 4 p.m.

Presentation in elderly home De Regenboog

Also this year, board members of the 4 Mei Dronten Foundation visited De Regenboog in Dronten. Jan Benning and Bart Doeze Jager gave a lecture for the residents, focusing on the foundation and the upcoming commemoration, but of course they went back to the Second World War.

Swimming Competition Airgunnerstrofee

Today the swimming association "De ZuiderZeeZwemmers" organized the annual swimming competition for the Airgunnerstrophy. All students of group 8 from the region were allowed to participate. The competition took place in the Aat de Jonge Zwembad in Dronten and started at 13:30. All official duties for the competition were fulfilled by enthusiastic youth swimmers and volunteers of the Dronten swimming club.

De Dukdalf elementary school adopts monument

Every year the monument is adopted by Group 7 of one of the elementary schools in the municipality of Dronten. These pupils take care of the monument for a year. Last year the pupils were from De Tamarisk from Biddinghuizen. They now pass on the responsibility to group 7 of De Dukdalf from Dronten.

Program for Remembrance Day known

Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten has finished the program for the Remembrance of the Dead on May 4, 2024. This year marks the 60th commemoration of the dead in Dronten. We reflect on this moment and mark it as a transition to a time when there will no longer be Airgunners present at the commemoration. In this message we inform you about innovative elements in the program and activities that will take place on and around May 4, 2024.

Honorary salute for Lancaster crew

Since 2015, lights have been placed on war graves on Christmas Eve as the sun sets. Stichting Veteranen Gemeente Dronten took the initiative to light 7 candles at the monument on Lancasterdreef in Dronten in honour of the 7 crew members of Lancaster ED 357. The candles were lit with the Peace Light by the Flevo Scouts.

Students Almere College present at Remembrance Day in Edinburgh

Pupils and teachers of Almere College in Dronten and board members of the 4 May Remembrance Foundation Dronten were in Edinburgh from 7 to 11 November to attend the Remembrance Day commemoration at Stewart's Melville College. The reason for this is the connection between the two schools in the person of William Middleton Ward. William Ward was formerly a student at Stewart's Melville College. He died in World War II and the propeller of his plane forms the monument in Dronten.


Recap Tattoo

On May 6, 2023, the annual Tattoo took place on the Meerpaalplein in Dronten. Three corps presented a total of five shows.

4 mei 2023

Recap commemoration May 4, 2023

On May 4, 2023, the 59th commemoration of the dead took place in Dronten. The large number of people on the square, the invited guests, the wreath laying, the music and singing, the poem and the speech were impressive. 

Poem 2023

Poem city poet Marjolein Westendorp

Before it became 2 minutes of silence at Meerpaalplein on May 4, city poet Marjolein Westendorp recited the poem she wrote around the National Committee May 4 and 5's annual theme "Living with War'.

Never Unprepard

Documentairy 'Never Unprepared'

Omroep Flevoland's documentary "Never Unprepared" tells the story of Scottish bomb aimer William Ward who lost his life in World War II. William Ward was one of the crew members of the Lancaster ED 357, whose propeller forms the Kite Monument in Dronten. Edinburgh history teacher David Clarke researched this former student at his school; Stewart's Melville College. David discovered that Ward crashed near what is now Dronten.

Stichting 4 Mei Herdenking Dronten

p/a De Volte 28, 8252 GB  Dronten

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